Today, digital technologies are considered as a means of stepping backward - whether physically
reconstructing obsolete hardware or digitally regurgitating public information films, a
fascination with capturing media of today in a net of the past is becoming more prevalent. The
attraction to old technologies and the resurrection of faux-vintage aesthetics through new
mediums, often referred to as "tech-nostalgia".
By investigating the iterative process of digital images in screen devices, my aim is to explore
the transition from "technologies of memory" to "memory of technologies" within the context of
the reminiscence of past media technologies in contemporary memory practices. And these
manifestations of tech-nostalgia reflect a new kind of memory practice which is not driven by
nostalgia in the classical sense as a longing for the past but rather mediates between the past
and the present, the analogue and the digital the archival and the performative.