Today, digital technologies are considered as a means of stepping backward - whether physically reconstructing obsolete hardware or digitally regurgitating public information films, a fascination with capturing media of today in a net of the past is becoming more prevalent. The attraction to old technologies and the resurrection of faux-vintage aesthetics through new mediums, often referred to as "tech-nostalgia".
By investigating the iterative process of digital images in screen devices, my aim is to explore the transition from "technologies of memory" to "memory of technologies" within the context of the reminiscence of past media technologies in contemporary memory practices. And these manifestations of tech-nostalgia reflect a new kind of memory practice which is not driven by nostalgia in the classical sense as a longing for the past but rather mediates between the past and the present, the analogue and the digital the archival and the performative.
is about the process of memory reconstruction by bridging the gap between my digital and physical recollections.
it draws upon knowledge from memory-based records-keeping, aiming to interrogate the significance of archival documentation in the act of “recalling.”
discusses the diversity and possibilities of future dietary structures in the current context of the food crisis.
by simulating a future in which extinct animals and sustainable protein sources are used as ingredients, efforts towards a “future-proof” diet are re-examined from an ironic perspective.
explores the hypothesis of a future where humans are able to travel back in time to change their regretful decisions as "visitors".
five refractive mediums are used as carriers of transportation through the past and future to express my concerns about human’s self-destructive tendencies with metaphors: any attempt to change the past for self-protection will only lead to a more collapsed future.
explores the conception of “otherness”: what kind of life is accepted by the majority as satisfactory, and guaranteed to be free from defects and judgement.
a series of surreal scenes and items are used to show the subtle poisoning and emasculation of the “minorities."
discusses the association between attachment orientations and relationship dynamics in partners.
with pursuit and distancing as the main theme, voices of couples with different attachment types in various scenarios are visualised as a typeface to highlight the relational basis of intimate violence.
explores the essence of intimate relationships and the invisible and explicit links (emotions and space etc.) among them: a 'cocoon' woven and constructed from secrets of just between couples.
gestures, emotions and unspoken messages gradually become the mainstay of their communication within it, to the point of creating a “language system” that is incomprehensible to others.
OBLOOM, 2021
discusses the unnoticed moments that play an important role in life.
six growth phases of plants are used as analogies representing these moments. Corresponding solutions are also proposed so that users will be reminded of the fragmented moments that were once forgotten through these supplies.
UTOPIA, 2020
is about childhood trauma and utopian aspirations. It seeks to understand and express the lasting impact of adverse family experiences on growth.
it explores personal narratives through four chapters, drawing knowledge from media memory theories. Through material and textual experimentation, it aims to challenge societal norms and envision a utopian future free from violence and pain.